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The organ is the primary instrument that leads hymns and service music, accompanies the choir and is heard with organ voluntaries at before, during and after the service. In addition to the organ we have a fine Chickering grand piano, a three octave set of Malmark handbells and hand chimes, as well as several percussion instruments including cymbals.


Weekly Choir rehearsals are every Thursday afternoon from 4:00-5:00 p.m. and on Sunday mornings 30 minutes prior to the Service. The Choir is open to members of all ages that have a singing voice and read music.  Choir is generally on hiatus during the summer months. 

Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church (LCMS)

5200 SW College Rd

Ocala, FL 34474

(352) 237-2233  

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Nave equipped with Hearing Loop.

© Copyright 2015- 2016 Our Redeemer  


DIVINE SERVICES -   Sunday 10:00am & Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday School  & Bible Class 8:45am

Fellowship & Bible Class 11:15am (Sun.)

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